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Research: the cornerstone of our services

Research and insights are at the heart of our mission to pioneer new ways to support more people as we help build mentally healthier populations.

Our 20+ year history means we have millions of data points covering the mental health journey for over a million individuals.

Using this huge resource, we leverage traditional research, evaluation and data science techniques to improve the Kooth service and to support our service users in achieving optimum outcomes for their mental health.

So whether developing the first measure for single session therapy, reducing barriers to access, or quantifying the economic ripple-out impacts of Kooth, we are committed to innovation founded on data and on solid research.

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Key research insights

  • 74%

    who set goals see a positive change

  • 40+

    peer reviewed papers demonstrating Kooth’s impact

  • 72%

    of those choosing a single therapy session achieve their wants and needs

  • 19%

    reduction in self harm after using Kooth for one month

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Research based on partnerships and innovation

Partnering with key research institutions

More than 40 published research papers demonstrate the effectiveness of our services, from our community support to the wider health and economic impacts of our preventative mental health support. Our approach has always been to partner with expert researchers to progress our knowledge and understanding and build a robust evidence base. To date we have worked with dozens of institutions including the London School of Economics, the Universities of Manchester, Bolton, Liverpool, Swansea and more, the Child Outcomes Research Consortium and the York Health Economics Consortium.

Innovating for good

Kooth is constantly innovating, from developing world-first measures for digital single session therapy to the creation of Soluna, the wellbeing app available to young throughout California. Another innovative milestone is the development of our ‘Integrated Digital Pathway’, providing direct help to those on the NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) waiting lists.

Demonstrating value and impact

Kooth helps prevent ripple-out costs associated with untreated mental health issues. Independent research has quantified  these significant cost savings, outlining how Kooth brings reductions in:

  • GP appointments and CAMHS referrals

  • Prescription of antidepressant medication

  • Hospital admissions due to suicidality and self-harm

  • Smoking and binge-drinking

Positive outcomes

There are countless evidenced positive outcomes and impacts brought by Kooth, such as:

  • For the individual: Reduced presenting issues, including fewer suicidal thoughts and decreases in emotional and behavioural difficulties and loneliness

  • For the NHS and wider health system: reduced hospitalisations due to attempted suicide, suicide ideation or self harm. In fact, up to 240 GP appointments could be avoided per 100 Kooth service users every year