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Jan 30, 2023

Changes to digital mental health use during COVID-19

Kooth acting as a lockdown lifeline - navigating equitable care during the UK's COVID challenges

Using Kooth’s data, this paper explores the impact of the pandemic on service access and presenting concerns and whether differences were observed by sociodemographic characteristics in terms of access (gender, ethnicity and deprivation).

Activity and contact with digital web-based therapy increased in the first few months of the pandemic. Significant changes were observed in referral routes to the service, unsurprisedly a drop in referrals from educational settings was observed due to school-based lockdowns.

Changes were observed in presenting concerns for service users before and during the pandemic, reflecting some of the immediate mental health impacts, including a significant increase in risk, abuse, and safeguarding issues for young peole but also mental health concerns, suicidality and, self-harm demonstrating the enhancing vulnerability for young peole during the pandemic.

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