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KoothKlass is our series of in-classroom webinars. Covering a wide range of common topics, we engage with tens of thousands of young people every year.

Read on for details of the latest KoothKlass webinars, which you can sign up to for free. Simply select your preferred date and complete the registration form to book your place.

If you have any questions, or would like to book a webinar for your school, please get in touch using the form at the bottom of this page.

Mental health and faith: Kooth's support for young Christians

In this 30-minute session, we ask ‘What does your faith mean to you?’ and her from a young person about what their faith means to them. We address FAQ’s about Kooth and faith- sensitive support and show related Kooth content on faith and mental health

Mental health and faith: Kooth's support for young Muslims

Explore what faith and mental health means to young people. In this 30-minute session, we ask ‘What does your faith mean to you?’, address FAQ’s from Muslim young people and share related Kooth content on faith and mental health

Keeping mentally fit as you experience change

A 30 minute webinar with dates for young people leaving secondary or further education on how to keep mentally fit as they experience change

Tips for managing exam stress and how Kooth can support you

In this 30 minute webinar we will share tips on how to manage exam stress and how the Kooth digital platform can provide extra support during the exam season

Coping with anxiety for pupils sitting SATs

Join us on this 30 minute webinar for primary school pupils sitting SATs this year on how to cope with anxiety

Contact our UK engagement team


We visit schools for free! Please get in touch today to book a free school assembly with one of our local engagement leads. We'll be happy to answer any questions you might have and explore how we can help you provide mental health and wellbeing support to your community.