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Kooth Digital Health: our story

Our story

In 2001, we began our journey to transform how people access help for their mental health.

Our purpose

We build mentally healthier populations, leaving no one behind.

For over 20 years, Kooth has pioneered digital mental health support, providing everyone with effective digital support from their first moment of need.

Our strategy is to focus on supporting youth to help turn the tide on the growing mental health crisis, and apply our learnings to deliver support for adults throughout life.


  • 2001

    XenZone launches as an ‘email counselling and magazine’ organisation supporting mens’ mental health

  • 2004

    XenZone establishes Kooth, a new online service for children and young people in partnership with Stockport NHS Primary Care Trust

  • 2006

    Kooth services are commissioned across eight local authorities and NHS Trusts in the North West

  • 2011

    Qwell is launched, providing digital mental health and wellbeing support to adults

  • 2015

    ScaleUp private equity invests in XenZone to drive growth and expand our services

  • 2020

    XenZone becomes Kooth and floats on the London Stock Exchange to enable investment in long term growth

  • 2021

    Kooth launches in the USA, with a pilot contract across schools in Pennsylvania

  • 2022

    Kooth wins a significant contract to provide a mental health app to support to all young people in California

  • 2023

    Kooth launches Soluna, our new app available to 6 million 13-25 year olds across California

Kooth's values

Our values have been built by our Kooth communities and our employees and are at the heart of everything we do.

  • Alongside you - We are alongside you, without judgement

  • Flexible - We offer choice because you are in control of what you need

  • Committed - We listen, counsel and support

  • Compassionate - No matter what support you need, we’re here to help

  • Safe - We are a safe space for users and we are serious about safeguarding

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Our pledge to underserved communities

For World Mental Health Day in 2024, we outlined our progress against a simple commitment made on the same day the previous year:

We pledge to ensure that underserved communities have equitable access and awareness of support in the locations we serve.

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Mental health insights

  • Why we should address inequalities

    "We know that certain groups are falling through the net when it comes to accessing support... We can recite the problem, but we don't move on to enabling solutions". Dame Sue Bailey OBE DBE FRCPsych, discusses the importance and impact of addressing mental health inequalities.

  • How can we prevent people falling into crisis?

    "We must do much better at preventing people falling into crisis in the first place, and that's where digital can come in. Sir Norman Lamb talks about giving people timely access to support and guidance to have a chance of diverting crisis.

  • Why many people prefer digital support

    "Children and students at universities or students at college, we know would probably prefer not to go into a clinic and instead get help via digital." Sean Duggan, former Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation's Mental Health Network, discusses why many groups prefer digital support for their mental health.

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Contact us

Learn how Kooth and Qwell can deliver early, effective and measurable whole population mental health support

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More about us