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Our clinical approach

Our clinical approach

Everything we do at Kooth is underpinned by robust clinical evidence; our services are easily accessible, aligned with the NHS and designed around the wants and needs of individuals.

A positive virtual ecosystem

Our approach to mental health support has always been predicated on safety, accessibility and choice. This choice extends to how people get help, but also to the therapeutic support available. 

Research has characterised the sum of all Kooth offers as a ‘positive virtual ecosystem’. This view considers the service as a whole, rather than as a series of components.

It acknowledges that Kooth and Qwell are places where people can explore their struggles, find their own type or combination of support, learn how to manage and prevent issues escalating - and, importantly, help others. 

Prevention and support

  • Our clinical model sees support being offered from the first moment-of-need through to help for the most vulnerable

  • This support is rooted in the THRIVE framework - also adopted by the NHS - which means that instead of moving through a linear set of stages, people can dip in and out of these ‘quadrants’ according to need

  • Our flexible model enables timely access to the right level of intervention at the right time

Our governance framework

Kooth's chief clinical officer and consultant clinical psychologist Dr Lynne Green describes our clinical operating model - and how it is the basis of an ongoing governance measure, ensuring continuous improvement and evaluation of all the support we offer.

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iRESPOND is our proprietary clinical operating model - it stands for:

Integrative: we draw from therapeutic models

Responsive: we offer support in-the-moment

Evidence-based: clinical interventions are based on established evidence

Safe: we comply with all statutory frameworks

Person-centred: individualised support

Outcomes focused: we measure outcomes across the service

Non-judgemental: we are here to listen and support, not to judge

Data-informed: we use data to enhance our service

How Kooth makes a difference

Our growing evidence base shows how Kooth’s model delivers numerous positive outcomes through diverse pathways to support.

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Kooth leads to positive outcomes

Recent research from the London School of Economics found that after one month of using Kooth, children and young people experienced improvements in mental health across several areas, including:

  • 9%

    Reduction in thoughts of suicide

  • 20%

    Reduction in reports of self-harm

  • 12%

    Increased self-esteem

  • 13%

    Reduction in reports of loneliness

  • 11%

    Less psychological distress

  • 8%

    Less arguing with parents

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  • Young person on Kooth


    For years I’ve felt unable to do anything with my life, now, I want to live it. You have pulled me through situations others didn't even know about. You kept me alive and safe when others couldn't.
  • Young person on Kooth


    It's like having a whole community in my pocket, ready to listen.
  • Young person on Kooth


    Before Kooth, I was struggling with a lot of stress and anxiety. I didn’t know how to cope with it. That’s when I came across Kooth. It reassured me that I’m not alone…that’s how I found different ways to cope with it, such as kickboxing.

Ask how we can help you reach those who need support…

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