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Our services: for adults

Qwell: mental and emotional wellbeing support for adults

Qwell is Kooth’s adult service, offering professional support to local populations aged 18 and over, working in tandem with Kooth to deliver mental health support across whole populations.

Flexible to meet every need

Kooth’s delivery teams work with local organisations to deliver an effective joined up service:

  • Relieve pressure - support already overstretched services, in particular primary care and Talking Therapies but also A&E and crisis services

  • Target priority groups - depending on your local priorities, we can set up services to reach specific services and groups

  • Support return to work - Qwell can form part of local plans to help people back into work

Support anytime you need it

Like our service for young people, Qwell is free, safe and anonymous, and available without waiting lists, 365 days a year.

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Adapting to local priorities

Qwell can be targeted to specific groups, either locally, or in partnership with organisations nationwide

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Qwell case studies

  • Cambridge and Peterborough

    Read how Qwell was launched in partnership with the local NHS to help relieve pressure on mental health services, including A&E, waiting lists and CAMHS to adult service transition.

  • Clackmannanshire

    Following high take up of Kooth’s service among children and young people, Clackmannanshire Council extended support to parents and carers to tackle increasing levels of need.

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Our impact

  • 93%

    Of users would recommend the Qwell service

  • 85%

    Of referrers supported offering Qwell for people on waitlists

  • 90%

    Of users said it was important they could access support without a referral

  • 100%

    Of users felt heard, understood & respected after a chat session

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Discover how Qwell can help alleviate pressure on your local services

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