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Our sole purpose is to create easy to access online mental health services that work alongside you to provide compassionate and effective support

Pioneering great digital mental healthcare for everyone

At Kooth, our mission is clear: to provide effective and personalized mental health support that's accessible to all. We prioritize anonymity and accessibility, using outcomes data to constantly refine our services. Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of what we do, ensuring that everyone, regardless of background, can access the help they need.

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Decades of experience and knowledge

With decades of experience and knowledge, Kooth has been building the largest database of population mental health evidence for over 20 years.

  • 2001

    Kooth (formerly XenZone) began its mission to address adolescent mental health.

  • 2004

    Kooth goes online in 2004, partnering with Stockport Local Authority and Stockport NHS Primary Care Trust.

  • 2011

    Kooth (formerly XenZone) began its mission to address adolescent mental health.

  • 2012

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  • 2015

    freestar freestar Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sed ex nec ex euismod lacinia. Donec vitae est mauris. Duis massa mauris, vulputate vitae neque eu, accumsan dapibus ante.

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Words from our CEO

  • Thomas Marks


    I've witnessed first-hand the transformative impact Kooth has had on the individuals we serve. Its innovative platform provides a seamless avenue for users to access vital support, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience.”
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Book a demo and discover how we can change the face of mental health.

More on Kooth