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The following article was developed by our clinical content team and is intended to support young people who find it hard to go to school. The story and advice is from someone we're calling 'Sasha'; this is her verbatim account as explained to our team.
As always, all content on Kooth is reviewed by our clinical experts for safety and appropriateness, and is age gated according to our guidelines.
Sasha is a secondary school student. Due to her anxiety around school, she is currently on a reduced timetable while also attending some online classes to keep up with her education. She is just one of many young people across the UK who finds going to school a challenge. Here, she shares:
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her personal experience of school
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what she needs from her school
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how she stays in touch with friends
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the advice she’d give to others struggling to go to school
What is school like for you?
If I were to describe school in three words, I would say it’s hard, overwhelming, and confusing! People might think that it’s just to do with schoolwork, but it’s not. In fact, it’s less about the actual work, and more about learning how to manage everything that’s going on. I have to do a lot of things all at once - manage the lessons, the different rules, and the expectations. In addition to schoolwork, sometimes, there are so many people around and so many smells and noises I don’t like.
I find going into school really hard, as there are so many ‘what-ifs’ going round and round in my mind. What if I don’t understand what to do in lessons? What if I don’t know the answers? What if I don’t know what is expected of me? What if I don’t see my friends?
These thoughts sometimes stop me from sleeping, and if I know I’m going to school the next day, I hate going to bed. I often feel sick, get headaches, and feel really tense and fidgety. All this happens before I’m even at school.