By Dr Hannah Wilson, consultant clinical psychologist and head of clinical governance and clinical psychology lead, Kooth
Emotionally Based School Avoidance, or EBSA for short, refers to young people who struggle to attend school because of a range of emotional factors. These can include struggling with issues like low mood, anxiety and loneliness.
The impact of EBSA can range from the young person experiencing an occasional reluctance to attend school, to complete non-attendance. It can start suddenly or develop gradually over time.
It’s really important to highlight that EBSA is not about young people being “defiant” or “lazy” - it’s a complex issue with no one single cause. EBSA can be influenced by factors at school and at home, as well as by individual differences in personality and coping styles between young people.
The reasons for avoiding school may shift and change over time. For example, a young person feeling anxious about friendships might avoid school in the first instance to help them manage their anxious emotions and reduce their exposure to scary things.
Although they might feel some relief in the short term, the very act of avoiding school can lead to a reduction in the young person’s social circle. It can also mean there are fewer opportunities for them to learn that they can cope with difficult feelings. They may also find they’re falling behind in class or that they’ve missed key events or information. All of these things may make it harder to return and so a vicious cycle begins, where further avoidance only reinforces the feeling of anxiety around going back to school.
Unfortunately Covid -19 created a “perfect storm” for EBSA, with increased exposure to risk factors for young people at school, at home and on an individual level, coupled with a reduction in the available access to support for their emotional difficulties. We know that early intervention is key and new interventions need to be accessible to this group of young people, who may sometimes be beyond the reach of traditional face-to-face services.