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Oct 28, 2021

Developing a bespoke measurement tool for single-sessions with young people and clinical experts: The SWAN-OM

The Session Wants and Need Outcome Measure: The Development of a Brief Outcome Measure for Single-Sessions of Web-Based Support

de Ossorno Garcia S, Salhi L, Sefi A and Hanley T

This paper develops a measure to assess brief therapeutic interventions to be used in a web-based digital therapy setting. No measure before this captured the benefit and/or ‘change’ directly related to these brief sessions. This study included a pre- and post-questionnaire for users to identify what they wanted to get from their session, and how well they thought it was achieved.

This paper provided a new measure, as well as helped young people generalise their thoughts and feelings into achievable goals. it helped focus the chat and provided a framework

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