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Explore our services

Mental health support that meets public healthcare needs

Kooth's services make large scale prevention a reality across whole populations. Kooth services are also linked to broader health economics outcomes, such as reduced numbers of anti-depressant prescriptions and lower hospital admissions due to suicidal ideation or self-harm.

Emotionally Based School Avoidance

See new insights from our clinical team, a personal story from a young person and information on how Kooth can help support EBSA

Digital support can change lives

Sir Norman Lamb talks to Dr Lynne Green about digital support in the context of the crisis care concordat initiative, commenting:

"Being able to access support directly, without having to go on a waiting list for months on end... is a priceless part of the architecture of support that we should make available to people."

Service insights

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A whole population service for Manchester

In Greater Manchester, Kooth and Qwell offer universal support from ages 10 years and up - driving a range of positive outcomes across the City.

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Innovating our services

Responding to service user needs is central to our approach to mental health.

Kooth's Dr Lynne Green describes how we developed a "single session" service to meet changing needs - and the validated measure we developed to assess single session outcomes.

How Kooth helped Stasia

Stasia describes how Kooth's one-to-one sessions helped her when she had friendship issues, and when she was in the middle of her GCSEs and feeling stressed.

She made this video to let others know they always have somewhere to go if they need mental health support.

Contact us

Let’s explore how we can help turn the tide on mental health